3 mn read

Solving NestJS Module Resolution in Turborepo: The Package.json Fix

Posted in Tutorials

3 mn read The Problem When working with a NestJS application in a Turborepo monorepo, you might encounter this frustrating error: This error occurs even when your imports and directory structure seem correct. After much investigation, the solution turned out to be much simpler than expected: properly configuring your package.json. The Solution: Key Package.json Fields The key to […]

3 mn read

Setting Up VSCode Debugger for NodeJS + TypeScript Projects

Posted in Tutorials

3 mn read As developers, we know that a smooth debugging process can save hours of frustration and boost productivity. In this blog post, we’ll walk through the process of setting up the VSCode debugger for a NodeJS project using TypeScript. We’ll cover everything from project initialization to creating a launch.json file for debugging and a tasks.json file […]

4 mn read

Implementing Passwordless Authentication with Passkeys: A Step-by-Step Server-Side Guide

Posted in Nodejs

4 mn read In this tutorial, we’ll walk through the process of implementing passwordless authentication using passkeys on the server side. We’ll be using Node.js with Fastify and the SimpleWebAuthn library to create a secure and user-friendly authentication system. Prerequisites: Let’s get started! Step 1: Setting Up the Project First, let’s set up our project structure Create a […]

2 mn read

Comprehensive Fullstack Web Developer RoadMap

Posted in Javascript

2 mn read Becoming a full-stack developer is a rewarding yet challenging journey that involves mastering both front-end and back-end technologies. Here’s a comprehensive roadmap to help you navigate this path. 1. Foundational Skills HTML/CSS JavaScript 2. Front-End Frameworks and Libraries React Vue.js/Angular 3. Version Control Git 4. Back-End Development Node.js Databases 5. Authentication and Security User Authentication […]

3 mn read

A Flexible Alternative to JavaScript’s switch Statement

Posted in Javascript

3 mn read JavaScript’s switch statement is a common control flow construct, but it has some drawbacks. It can be verbose, prone to errors due to missing break statements, and less flexible compared to other alternatives. In this tutorial, we’ll explore an alternative approach using object literals and higher-order functions. The Problem with switch Consider the following example […]

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